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Mercoledì, 22 Gennaio 2020

Il sistema Altor di W.R. Cobb a T.GOLD

Il sistema Altor di W.R. Cobb a T.GOLD

Cobb/Ballou rappresenta una divisione della W.R. Cobb Company, e durante T.Gold presenterà la più recente novità nell’ambito delle già conosciute linee di prodotti: il sistema Altor.
Altor Clutch and Post System nasce per offrire una perfetta integrazione per qualsiasi stile di orecchini, grazie alla frizione a profilo sottile.
Inoltre, la frizione di sicurezza è ingegnerizzata e ha un doppio meccanismo di innesco in grado di innestare e rilasciare ogni singolo incavo.

Disponibile in platino e bianco 18 carati, rosa e giallo, si presenta esteticamente piacevole e dal profilo sottile. Una proposta progettata con estrema precisione e affidabilità grazie all’esperienza di oltre 140 anni nel settore.

Live #vicenzaoro

  • The 70th edition of Vicenzaoro breaks every record: a +3% increase in attendance over VOJ23, 60% international buyers from 141 countries, and 1300 exhibitors.
    Thank you for being a part of our journey. We can't wait to meet you again from September 6th to 10th, 2024.
    Until then, stay inspired and connected!
    #IEG #IEGExpo #vicenzaoro #theheritagefortomorrow #VOJ24

  • The Time district is the ideal place for all watch enthusiasts. Here you can admire the latest creations from the industry's best independent brands and discover businesses that create the most sophisticated mechanisms.
    #IEG #IEGExpo #vicenzaoro #theheritagefortomorrow #VOJ24

  • Fifth and final day of Vicenzaoro January 2024! Ready to finish on a high note?
    #IEG #IEGExpo #vicenzaoro #theheritagefortomorrow #VOJ24

  • The Time district is the ideal place for all watch enthusiasts. Here you can admire the latest creations from the industry's best independent brands and discover businesses that create the most sophisticated mechanisms.
    #IEG #IEGExpo #vicenzaoro #theheritagefortomorrow #VOJ24

  • Another extraordinary day is ending, but not for those who want to continue networking and enjoy the rest of the night! See you at the West Entrance for the Vicenzaoro Happy Hour!
    #IEG #IEGExpo #vicenzaoro #theheritagefortomorrow #VOJ24

  • The Time district is the ideal place for all watch enthusiasts. Here you can admire the latest creations from the industry's best independent brands and discover businesses that create the most sophisticated mechanisms.
    #IEG #IEGExpo #vicenzaoro #theheritagefortomorrow #VOJ24

  • Young emerging designer will be present at Vicenzaoro to show their unique pieces. Vicenzaoro believes in new generations by using the knowledge of great experts in the gold and jewellery sector. Come and discover their works of art at the Design Room.
    #IEG #IEGExpo #vicenzaoro #theheritagefortomorrow #VOJ24

  • Creativity and craftsmanship at Vicenzaoro January 2024
    #IEG #IEGExpo #vicenzaoro #theheritagefortomorrow #VOJ24

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